Wednesday, December 31, 2008

On Christmas Eve we made cookies for Santa but before Jaxon would go to bed he had to have one then two more after that. This Christmas I felt like like a kid again because I was able to do all the kid traditions with Jaxon. 

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Last Dance to Snow White

Jaxon's favorite movie right now is Snow White. His favorite part is when the 7 dwarfs start singing he will start moving his shoulders and head. At this moment he put his whole body into his dance. The reason I call this the "Last Dance" is because he has never danced this much since. I think I caught his last big dance to this music. 

Monday, December 8, 2008

Family Pictures

My brother Chad took theses pictures of my family. I think they turned out great. We went to the old Union Station in Ogden. Chad loved the place so much he's going to go back to take some more. Thank you Chad for doing this for us we love you!

Friday, December 5, 2008

On November 30th was Jaxon's first day in Nursery. Ron stayed with him the whole time. He did really well. When it came to snack time he didn't sit in his chair very long like the other kids and when he drank out of the dixie cup they gave him he spilled it all over him. Ron said that we need to start to teach him how to sit in a chair and to drink from a cup. I reminded him that Jaxon was the youngest in the nursery and he can't compare him to the other kids. My sunbeam class was right next door and I kept on peeking in on the two. My baby is growing up and I am so proud of him for not crying. I just can't wait till I can take him to nursery. 

We decided to go see the Salt Lake Temple lights with our good friends Angie and Kris and their family. Jaxon loves to spend time with his friends Seneca and Kye. It was a great night and not too cold. We all loved the nights and Jaxon's first response seeing the lights were "WOW."